Photo de Madame Margaret French-Theoleyre

Margaret French-Theoleyre

Décédée le 21 août 2023 à l'âge de 67 ans
Photo de Madame Margaret French-Theoleyre
Margaret French-Theoleyre
Décédée le 21 août 2023 à l'âge de 67 ans

Message de la famille

Chère famille, chers amis,

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de Margaret French-Theoleyre survenu lundi 21 août 2023 à La Tronche.

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Locale, drapeau de la France Planté en France dans le respect de l’écosystème local
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Le livre hommage met à l'honneur les différents messages et photos partagés sur cet espace avec une mise en page élégante.

11 hommages ont été rendus

  • Il y a 5 mois
    Isa lorion

    Cet hommage n'est visible que par la famille

  • Il y a 6 mois
    Eric Hottot

    Quelle tristesse, toutes mes condoléances à la famille Maggie, nous nous sommes rencontrés à Vers Legrand dans ton cabinet dentaire, je suis arrivé avec des dents dans un état!!! par tes paroles rassurantes ta douceur ta gentillesse tu m'as fais les soins mais j'avais peur et cela te faisait rire car mes fesses ne touchaient pas le fauteuil. Seule la tête les pied touché le fauteuil tellement j'étais raide de peur. À l'époque j'avais 20 ans et tu as refait toutes mes dents avec une patience hors norme jusqu'à un soir 20h00 mais tu avais sauvé ma dent et c'est ce qui était le plus important pour toi. Quand tu as déménagé à Corbeil Essonne on c'est perdu de vu car tu ne pouvais pas dire où tu allais et moi j'étais souvent en déplacement professionnel et il a fallu un hasard que je tombe sur ton cabinet. Là encore tu as fait des miracles mais j'avais entretenu ton travail. Tu as refait toute ma façade dentaire suite à une chute en VTT. Je garde en moi ta bonne humeur, ton professionnalisme ton sourire ta douceur ta gentillesse. Tu vas me manquer tu vas NOUS manquer Repose en paix

  • Il y a 1 an
    Lisa Jackson

    Cet hommage n'est visible que par la famille

  • Il y a 1 an
    Catherine Lemoine

    Cet hommage n'est visible que par la famille

  • Il y a 1 an
    Bernard CHIROL

    Pensées profondes à celle que j'aurais aimé mieux connaître et toute ma sympathie à votre famille. La montagne gardera ses empreintes.

  • Il y a 1 an
    Debby Waldman and David, Elizabeth, and Noah Wishart

    We are broken hearted about Maggie's death. Denis, Malcolm, Fiona, Scott, Craig, and Aileen, if we could absorb some of the grief you must be feeling, know that we would. Maggie was one of the most wonderful people we've ever had the joy to know. That year that Denis, Scott, Craig, and Aileen were our neighbors in Edmonton was such a happy time for all of us. We so loved getting to know you, and were grateful for the times we got to visit with you in Corbeil-essonnes. Those are some of our most precious memories. (I took that pic of Maggie on her motorcycle in May 2014.) Dave and I had hoped to see Maggie in May when we were in Paris with my sister, but we were only there for two days and Maggie was too pooped after a long day at work and was off to go climbing the next day. "I'll see you next time," I wrote in a message to her. I never imagined that that next time wouldn't be happening in this lifetime, in this world. We miss her already, and our hearts ache for all of you. Maggie was a shining light. She radiated joy. May her memory be for a blessing.

    Souvenir de Madame Margaret French-Theoleyre par Debby Waldman and David, Elizabeth, and Noah Wishart
  • Il y a 1 an
    Sandra Elliff

    Dear Denis Malcolm Fiona Scott Craig an Eilleen, I am devasted to hear of my dear friends accident. Maggie was an amazing friend during my 15 years in France and the best dentist ever to me and my family. We spent many a cup of tea and sometimes something stronger talking about our family and roots in Scotland. Maggie kindly took my chickens on board when I moved back in 2006 .Since then we have only met up a few times but caught up on F B regularly. I was hoping to come accross for the funeral on Saturday but unfortunately it is not going to be possible I believe there will be a get together in our homeland too, could you send me details of where and when this will be. Sending you all my deep felt love and sympathy. Your mum was one in a million. Big hugs Sandra Jo Georgina and Charlie.

  • Il y a 1 an
    Thierry Galard

    Cet hommage n'est visible que par la famille

  • Il y a 1 an
    Karla Trejo-Oliver

    I don’t know how to write about Maggie because whatever I write will definitely not fairly portray the impact that Maggie had on my life, after spending only one afternoon with her. From the second I saw Maggie, I fell in love with her. Just a glimpse of her energy and her smile did it. Norman, Ana Luisa and I went to Corbeil-Essonnes to meet her and her family after Debby Waldman introduced us with the pretext that the Browns were spending some time in Paris. Maggie came to pick us up at the train station in her wonderful, very yellow, super cute, European car. She made a quick, impressive turn with the car to park where we could see her, and gave us the biggest, happiest, warmest smile, accompanied with the biggest, happiest, most-welcoming arm wave you can imagine. She had never met us before. This moment is one of those that is engrained forever in my memory. Then she drove us to her house and introduced us to her world, to the people she loved and the place where they lived. I remember that day as it I were living in a French novel. The food, the house, the light… It was all so incredibly beautiful! But the best part, of course, was talking to Denis, Maggie and their children. Oh, my gosh! How to describe the impact that some people have one one’s life without ever being aware of it? After only a few hours I felt close to everyone, as if we had been friends forever. I will never forget sitting beside Dennis while he showed me some of his notes full of numbers and funny symbols because I interrogated him intensely on what his work “looked like”. I will never forget the warmth and kindness that Malcolm showed while telling Ana Luisa about life in France. They were both looking so happy talking, eating, laughing. I will never forget how enthralled Norman was on whatever Maggie was telling him-----because Maggie’s adventures! So wonderful! So many! You could tell that everything in life she lived like a great, wonderful adventure. That she squeezed the life out of every second that she had. Her family, her work, her travels, her house, her car, her yellow motorcycle, her trips… It all seemed intensely beautiful because she made it intensely beautiful. That is why we felt so close, so loved--- just a second after meeting her. I really do not have words for the impact she had on me. I am not exaggerating or lying when I say that, after that day, many years ago, I think about Maggie every week, two or three times a week. And I know exactly when I think about Maggie. I think about Maggie when I feel a little lost, a little insecure, when I question who I am, what I am doing, and why I am doing it for. Then I use Maggie as a beacon. I think of Maggie as someone that I want to emulate. I think that I want to live life the way Maggie always did: with seemingly-endless energy and passion, with unrestrained joy, with the greatest love. I will miss Maggie dearly, after spending only a few hours of my life with her.

  • Il y a 1 an
    Anne Guy

    Toutes mes condoléances à toute la famille de Maggie que j’ai eu le plaisir de connaître à Chamonix grâce à nos chiens . Je ne l’oublierai jamais .


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